Conferences and Workshops
Wilson, D. R. (1996a) Teaching modern foreign languages to pupils with special educational needs. Special education workshop at the University College of Ripon and York St John.
Wilson, D. R. (1996b) Going places: travel software as an authentic resource in school foreign language computing. Paper presented at EUROCALL '96, Szombathely, Hungary.
Wilson, D. R. (1997) Accessible authenticity: using Internet resources with school foreign language learners in difficulty. Paper presented at FLEAT III, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Wilson, D. R. (1998a) Resources for learning with particular reference to information and communications technologies. Recognising and Supporting Children with SpLD/Dyslexia course module at Chuter Ede Education Centre, South Shields.
Wilson, D. R. (1998b) Use of authentic Internet resources with school foreign language learners in difficulty. Paper presented at Language World '98, Brighton.
Wilson, D. R. (1999a) Applying new technologies appropriately to modern foreign languages. Special educational needs and World Wide Web workshop in Modern Foreign Languages for Initial Teacher Training students at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
Wilson, D. R. (1999b) Modern Foreign Languages and the Internet. Two World Wide Web workshops for Harton School's Department of Modern Foreign Languages.
Wilson, D. R. (1999c) Teaching Design Technology and Religious Education with Internet Resources. World Wide Web workshop for Harton School's Departments of Design Technology and Religious Education.
Wilson, D. R. (2000a) Subject Teaching with Internet Resources. World Wide Web workshop for Initial Teacher Training students at Harton School.
Wilson, D. R. (2000b) Building bridges to inclusive foreign language education through appropriately applied technologies. Paper presented at FLEAT IV, Kobe, Japan.
Wilson, D. R. (2003) Differentiating Modern Foreign Languages. A Presentation for Modern Foreign Language Teachers and Teaching Assistants at the Holy Family Catholic School, Keighley.
Wilson, D. R. (fielder) (2005) Special educational needs in the L2 classroom. The International Association for the Teaching of English as Foreign Language Young Learners Special Interest Group online discussion forum topic No. 2 fielded by David Wilson.
Wilson, D. R. (2006a) SEN into MFL will go: teaching languages inclusively. Presentation at Every Learner Matters conference, Language World 2006, University of Manchester.
Wilson, D. R. (2006b) Ask an Expert Theme: ICT activities, resources and approaches for inclusive MFL teaching. Ask an Expert Theme: ICT activities, resources and approaches for inclusive MFL teaching.
Wilson, D. R. and Kinvig, S. (fielders) (2006c) The foreign language learner with physical disabilities. Portuguese Primary English Teachers’ Discussion List Discussion No. 1.
Wilson, D. R. (2007) Online Sources of Special Educational Needs Information, Advice and Resources for Primary and Early Years Practitioners. Presentation at Chuter Ede Education Centre, South Shields.
Wilson, D. R. (2008a) Including the school foreign language learner with special educational needs. Presentation at the 2008 conference of the International Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Young Learner Special Interest Group, University of Exeter.
Wilson, D. R. (2008b) Online Sources of Special Educational Needs Information, Advice and Resources for Secondary, Primary and Early Years Practitioners. Presentation at Open Zone, South Shields.
Wilson, D. R. (2011a) Modern Foreign Languages and Special Educational Needs. Presentation for student modern foreign language teachers at the University of York.
Wilson, D. R. (2011b) Modern Foreign Languages and Special Educational Needs. Presentation for student modern foreign language teachers at the University of York.
Wilson, D. R. (2012) Modern Foreign Languages and Special Educational Needs. Presentation for student modern foreign language teachers at the University of York.
Wilson, D. R. (2013) Languages and Special Educational Needs. Video interview for CODA Project at Language World 2013 at Nottingham Conference Centre at Nottingham Trent University on 22-23 March 2013.
Wilson, D. R. (2014a) I Couldn't Read the Writing: Reaching and Teaching Foreign Language Learners with Special Educational Needs. Presentation at CODA Conference at Nottingham Trent University.
Wilson, D. R. (2014b) Challenging assumptions: access to modern foreign languages for learners with additional needs. Keynote presentation at the Network for Languages London Primary and Secondary MFL Conference, University of Westminster.
Wilson, D. R. (2015) Access to success: SEND in MFL. Presentation for student modern foreign language teachers at Nottingham Trent University.
Wilson, D. R. (2018) Access enabled: SEND in MFL. Presentation at Policy to Practice: Time to Bacc Languages Conference at Hertfordshire Development Centre on 6 July 2018.
Books and Articles
Lacey, W. and Wilson, D. R. (1991a) Developing flexible learning in modern languages, Hebburn: National Project (North East) Flexible Learning (Modern Languages).
Lacey, W. and Wilson, D. R. (1991b) Flexible learning in modern languages with new technology, Hebburn: National Project (North East) Flexible Learning (Modern Languages).
Wilson, D. R. (1992) 'At home abroad (modern languages: making the most of IT),' The Times Educational Supplement 3951, Update Computers, p. 12.
Wilson, D. R. (1998a) Accessible authenticity: using Internet resources with school foreign language learners in difficulty. In Liddell, P. (ed.), FLEAT III, Foreign Language Education and Technology, Proceedings of the third conference, Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, pp. 449-462.
Wilson, D. R. (1998b) SENCALL: applying new technologies appropriately. CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 10, pp. 2-5, 10.
Wilson, D. R. (1999a) In the classroom Deutsch: Lehren und Lernen 19, pp. 6-8.
Wilson, D. R. (1999b) Accessible authenticity: Internet resources for foreign language learners having difficulty. The IALL Journal of Language Learning Technologies 31(1/2), pp. 59-65.
Wilson, D. R. (2001a) Building bridges to inclusive foreign language education through appropriately applied technologies in White, J. (ed.), FLEAT IV: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology, Kobe: Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, pp. 84-90.
Wilson, D. R. (2001b) Applying new technologies appropriately to foreign handwriting recognition difficulties. In Atkinson, T. (ed.), Reflections on ICT, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, pp. 41-52.
Wilson, D. R. (2002) School languages conundrum. Dyslexia International - Tools and Technologies Newsletter 8, p. 5.
Wilson, D. R. (2004) Which language is easiest?, MFL: CILT's bulletin for secondary language teachers 4, pp. 8-9.
Wilson, D. R. (2005a) ICT: access or control? In Marsh, D. (compiler), Special Educational Needs in Europe: The teaching & learning of Languages, Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, pp. 61-63. Online at
Wilson, D. R. (2005b) Introduction to a bibliography of modern foreign languages and special educational needs. In Marsh, D. (compiler), Special Educational Needs in Europe: The teaching & learning of Languages, Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, pp. 91-92. Online at
Wilson, D. R. (2005c) ICT to the rescue of students with learning difficulties in MFL. ICT in Secondary Magazine: Focus on modern foreign languages, May 2005.
Wilson, D. R. (2005d) Dyslexic language learners in secondary education. Children and Teenagers CATS: the publication of the Young Learners Special Interest Group of the International Association on the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Issue 2/05, Autumn 2005, pp. 13-15.
Wilson, D. R. (2008a) Special Educational Needs other than Dyslexia in School Foreign Language Learning. Children and Teenagers CATS: the publication of the Young Learners Special Interest Group of the International Association on the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language Spring 2008 Issue: Teaching for Learner Differences.
Wilson, D. R. (2008b) From Teaching Modern Foreign Languages to Meeting Special Educational Needs: A Professional Odyssey. Humanising Language Teaching Year 10 Issue 6, December 2008. Online at
Wilson, D. R. (2009) Languages and SEN: David Wilson discusses the importance of meeting SEN at the modern foreign language classroom door. SEN Magazine Issue 43, November/December 2009, pp. 40-41.
Wilson, D. R. (2013) Meeting Special Educational Needs in Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching: Learning from the Past, Working for the Future. In Beltrán, E. V., Abbott, C. and Jones, J. (eds), Inclusive Language Education and Digital Technology, Bristol/Buffalo/Toronto: Multilingual Matters, pp. 45-64.
Wilson, D. R. (2014a) Language learning and students with special educational needs. Responses to questions for publication in Marianne Smedley's article 'Focus on: How language learning can help students with special educational needs', Languages Today, Spring 2014, pp.14-16. Online at,
Wilson, D. R. (2014b) Literature for supporting foreign language learners with vision impairment at school. Insight Curriculum Bitesize 53, September/October 2014, p.12.
Wilson, D. R. (2014c) French in the United Kingdom. Le Canard Déchaîné, December 2014, pp. 7-10.
Wilson, D. R. (2015) French in the East German Democratic Republic. Le Canard Déchaîné, June 2015, pp. 10-13.
Wilson, D. R. (1994) Großbritannien Urlaub: integrating the British Tourist Authority's German viewdatabase into the foreign language education of a pupil with learning difficulties, Modular Inset Assignment, University of Northumbria at Newcastle.
Wilson, D. R. (1995a) Responding to diversity: Certification of multilingualism in a mainstream secondary school. Advanced Diploma in Special Needs in Education assignment, Open University.
Wilson, D. R. (1995b) Ways in which the language of school teaching materials can impede learning. Advanced Diploma in Special Needs in Education assignment, Open University.
Wilson, D. R. (1996a) The SENCALL Project. Advanced Diploma in Special Needs in Education curriculum analysis and development project proposal, Open University.
Wilson, D. R. (1996b) The SENCALL Project. Advanced Diploma in Special Needs in Education curriculum analysis and development project report, Open University.
Wilson, D. R. (1996c) Appropriateness matters: special educational needs policy-making in a secondary school modern languages department. Advanced Diploma in Special Needs in Education decision-making, policy and power project proposal, Open University.
Wilson, D. R. (1996d) Appropriateness matters: special educational needs policy-making in a secondary school modern languages department. Advanced Diploma in Special Needs in Education decision-making, policy and power project report, Open University.
Guest Contributors
Domagala-Zysk, E. (2009) Teaching the deaf English as a foreign language: Polish experiences. Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.
Domagała-Zyśk, E. (2012) Overcoming difficulties in second language acquisition by deaf and hard of hearing participants of English as a foreign language classes, in Parchomiuk, M. and Szabała, B. (eds) Social distance towards individuals with disability as a problem in special pedagogy, Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, pp. 99-115.
Domagała-Zyśk, E. (2013) Deaf and hard of hearing primary school pupils’ motivation to learn English as a foreign language, in Byra, S. and Chodkowska, E. (eds) Socio-pedagogical contexts of social marginalization, Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, pp. 159-176.
Domagała-Zyśk, E. (2014) Neslyšící a nedoslýchaví univerzitní studenti rámec a strategie výuky a učení cizích jazyků [Deaf and hard of hearing university students – framework and strategies of foreign language teaching and learning], in Pospíšilová, I. (ed.) Sborník příspěvků z VIII. ročníku mezinárodní konference „Vysokoškolské studium bez bariér“. Konference se konala pod záštitou rektora Technické univerzity v Liberci prof. Dr. Ing. Zdeňka Kůse ve dnech 19. - 20. září 2013, Liberci: Technical University of Liberec, pp. 6-13.
Domagała-Zyśk, E. (2014) Neslyšící a nedoslýchaví vysokoškolští studenti výzvy a úspěchy ve studie cizích jazyků [Deaf and hard of hearing university students – achievements and challenges in the context of foreign language learning], in Pospíšilová, I. (ed.) Sborník příspěvků z VIII. ročníku mezinárodní konference „Vysokoškolské studium bez bariér“. Konference se konala pod záštitou rektora Technické univerzity v Liberci prof. Dr. Ing. Zdeňka Kůse ve dnech 19. - 20. září 2013, Liberci: Technical University of Liberec, pp. 44-53.
Domagała-Zyśk, E. (2014) Teaching English as a foreign language to a student with hearing loss combined with slight autistic disorders, in Domagała-Zyśk, E. (ed.) Developing language competence of people with hearing and speech disorders, Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, pp. 139-151.
Domagała-Zyśk, E. (2015) Beliefs about learning English as a foreign language – experience of deaf and hard-of-hearing Polish adolescents, in Kleparski, G. A., Puchała-Ladzińska, K., Dick-Bursztyn, M., Austin, P. and Kozioł, P. (eds) International English Studies Journal Studia Anglica Resoviensia 12: University of Rzeszów, pp. 16-29.
Domagała-Zyśk, E. and Kontra, E. H. (eds) (2016) English as a foreign language for deaf and hard of hearing persons in Europe, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Kinvig, S. (fielder) (2006) The foreign language learner with physical disabilities. Portuguese Primary English Teachers’ Discussion List Discussion No. 1.